


Terry Fages Web Spaces

Welcome to my simple web space, using CMSimpleXH, it exists on my home server a HP N54L with 16GB of ram, 1 x 240GB Evo 840 SSD drives and two1TB drives setup as data storage, all iBays etc are stored there, user space and system is all on the SSD. It is currently SME10.1 in server only mode running on my home NBN service, currently  using FTTN 50/20

I also have a HP Gen8, upgraded cpu to a Xeon E3-1265L V2, Samsung SSD 883 DCT 240GB, 16gb of ECC Kingston RAM, 2 network cards, running Proxmox 6. Currently three 1tb drives as Datastores.

I currently store SME Server core and Contribs code in CVS and sync to Koozali servers, On top of that a build system (plague) is layered to build packages in the RPM format used by yum.

 I use this setup to hold and to run VMs of SME10.0 and other distros for testing and Bug fix/verifications, various Windows versions as required and anything else that I am playing with at the time :-).

Workstation currently a Dell 3620, 16gb RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 10 Pro, PC hardware changes regularly depending on "the need for speed"

The N40L/N54L/Gen8 microservers fills the niche of home server, file storage, streamer etc admirably and can not be beaten on price.

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